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Komentari 63

  • kozamo 14.10.2013.

    Conversation started today Kylie May Badham 08:51 poslijepodne Kylie May Badham My name is Jenny I am sixteen I have dark blonde hair and u can't stop reading now u have started!! I was murdered 7/14 with my fathers shotgun and a butcher knife if u don't post this on 20 other pics I will come kill u in the middle of the night with my dads shotgun and butcher knife u have five hours!! Don't believe me??? Google Maria Marshall, Keisha joneKeep reading on, or die tonight a exactly 12:42. This is based on a TRUE STORY! Once there was a baby girl named Marry. Her mother couldn't take all the crying, so she decided it was time for her to go. She buried her baby alive in her back yard. After she buried her she could still hear Marry crying. So she dug her back up and stabbed her one time in the arm, and buried her again. Marry cried harder, but a few hours later it stopped. At exactly 12:42, Marry died. She bleed to death. Now her sprite haunts the world. When your sleeping, she stabs you in the arm and watches you bleed to death. And that's how she got the name "Bloody Marry" this is the true story of her. She wants everyone to feel her pain that she felt. Apparently, if you re-post This isn't fake. Apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minuets you will have the best day of your life tomorrow. You,, stop with this thing or i will kill u myself ...

  • jelas 111 14.09.2013.

    kakvi gabori, frankenstein je maneken za njih

  • cotoncic 02.09.2013.

    Tko ovdje priča o punijim curama? Punije cure imaju koji kg viška - ove imaju na desetke. Na kraju krajeva, tko ih je slikao nego oni sami?! Naslov je upoznajte neobične parove, a ovi su i više nego to!

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