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Father threw his 4 kids off the balcony and said 'I killed them'

Father threw his 4 kids off the balcony and said 'I killed them'

One by one, he took his kids from their beds, still in pajamas, and hurled them off the five meter high balcony onto concrete floor in the yard. Girl (7) suffered major injuries to the head, her condition is dire

Father of four, Josip Rođak (54) from Croatian island of Pag, got home from work around 6 AM on Thursday while his family was sound asleep. One by one, he took his kids from their beds, still in pajamas, and hurled them off the five meter high balcony onto concrete floor in the yard. 

Three girls, aged 5 to 8, and a boy (3), were left crying, covered in blood. Josip didn't even glance at them, instead he sat in the car and drove himself to the police after waking his wife and telling her: 'I just killed the kids!'.

- Three girls were lying on the floor, their heads bloodied, sobbing and crying. Then a boy fell on top of them. I didn't dare to touch the girls, but I took the boy and wrapped him in a blanket - said Bernardo Baričević (85), owner of the house in which family Rođak rents the apartment. 

Došao je u sobu i mrtvo hladno mi rekao: 'Ja sam ubio djecu!'
Došao je u sobu i mrtvo hladno mi rekao: 'Ja sam ubio djecu!'

Girl (7) suffered the worst injuries to the head, chest and abdomen. She was transported to hospital in Zagreb. Her condition is stable, but dire. She has internal hemorrhage in the brain and abdomen, broken bones of the face and is connected to a breathing tube. Her older sister also has serious injuries and awaits operation.

Neighbours called the emergency services and kids were taken to hospital. Social services will place them in foster care after they recover because the mother is unfit to care for them. 

Utvrdili teške propuste: Tražit će smjenu ravnateljice Centra!
Utvrdili teške propuste: Tražit će smjenu ravnateljice Centra!

The father is in police custody for 30 days during which investigation will take place. Josip will undergo psychiatric examination, and his blood and urine will be tested for substances. 

If he is convicted Rođak could serve up to 50 years in prison.


Igre na sreću mogu izazvati ovisnost. 18+.
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