

Komentari 6

Amal, Blake i Cheryl Cole u Cannesu ukrale svu pozornost

Amal, Blake i Cheryl Cole u Cannesu ukrale svu pozornost

Blistale su i Julia Roberts, Juliette Binoche i Eva Longoria, no Amal Clooney, Blake Lively i pjevačica Cheryl Cole privukle su svu pažnju i medija i prisutnih svojim izgledom


Cheryl Cole, sada Cheryl Fernandez-Versini pokazala je da još uvijek ima X factor u couture haljini Naeem Khana:

Singer Cheryl Fernandez-Versini aka Cheryl Cole poses on the red carpet as she arrives for the screening of the film "Ma loute" (Slack Bay) in competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Blake Lively poput princeze iz bajki u ledenoplavoj haljini Vivienne Westwood couture

Cast member Blake Lively arrives for the screening for the film "Ma loute" in competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes at  the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes Actress Blake Lively arrives for the screening of the film "Ma loute" in competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Blake Lively na popodnevnom predstavljanju filma The Shallows

Cast member Blake Lively poses during a photocall for the film "The Shallows" at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Lily-Rose Melody Depp kćer Vanesse Paradis i Johnnyja Deppa na predstavljanju svog filma "La danseuse"

Cast member Lily-Rose Melody Depp poses during a photocall for the film "La danseuse" at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Eva Longoria u crnoj dugoj haljini.

Actress Eva Longoria poses on the red carpet as she arrives for the screening of the film "Money Monster" out of competition during the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Juliette Binoche u satenskoj suknji Armani Prive i topu iste boje

 Cast membe Juliette Binoche poses on red carpet ahead of the screening for the film "Ma loute" in competition during the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Julia Roberts crnu dugu haljinu golih ramena još je više istaknula golemim smaragdima

Cast member Julia Roberts poses on the red carpet as she arrives for the screening of the film "Money Monster" out of competition during the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes
Cast member Julia Roberts walks on the red carpet for the screening of the film "Money Monster" out of competition during the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Amal Clooney nosila je nježno žutu šifonsku haljinu Ateliera Versace u četvrtak navečer u Cannesu

Cast member Geroge Clooney and his wife Amal, actress Julia Roberts and director Jodie Foster arrive for the screening of the film "Money Monster" out of competition during the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes Cast member George Clooney and his wife Amal arrive for the screening of the film "Money Monster" out of competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Susan Sarandon i Naomi Watts odlično su se zabavljale na crvenom tepihu u Cannesu

Actresses Susan Sarandon and Naomi Watts arrive for the screening of the film "Money Monster" out of competition during the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes
Igre na sreću mogu izazvati ovisnost. 18+.
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Komentari 6

'Ja sam prosječna, a muž mi je prezgodan. Svi me pitaju kako imam samopouzdanja uz njega'

'Ja sam prosječna, a muž mi je prezgodan. Svi me pitaju kako imam samopouzdanja uz njega'

Hazel se ne srami priznati da ima supruga koji je zgodniji od nje, niti da ju to uopće ne smeta. Kako kaže, sigurna je u njihovom odnosu i u svojoj se koži osjeća odlično

Sprej WD-40 većina ima, ali ne zna što znači njegova kratica: Iznenadit ćete se odgovorom

Sprej WD-40 većina ima, ali ne zna što znači njegova kratica: Iznenadit ćete se odgovorom

Za sprej WD-40 manje ili više svi znaju. Pomaže u rješavanju više od 2000 problema, a sada su se mnogi iznenadili kada su otkrili da ta kratica znači 'Water Displacement', a evo što broj 40 predstavlja
Treći odjeljak ladice u perilici je jako koristan: Ovo mu je svrha

Treći odjeljak ladice u perilici je jako koristan: Ovo mu je svrha

Ako želite da vam perilica odradi i pretpranje, napunite sva tri odjeljka u ladici. U njega isto stavite deterdžent za pranje rublja po izboru, tekući ili onaj u prašku