

Komentari 37

Ista žena ima celulit pa ga više nema: Samo sam se pomaknula

Ista žena ima celulit pa ga više nema: Samo sam se pomaknula

Da osvjetljenje čini jako veliku razliku na fotografijama potvrdila je i influencerica Danae Mercer koja je objavila 'savršenu' fotografiju bez celulita i sa celulitom, slikanu sa posebnim osvjetljenjem i bez


Kad je u pitanju savršen selfie, znamo da influenceri često koriste određeni kut, sjajnu rasvjetu i puno vještina za uređivanje fotografija kako bi dobili taj savršeni Instagram selfie.

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Da, osvjetljenje čini veliku razliku, a to je i potvrdila Danae Mercer, novinarka i influencerica koja živi u Dubaiju. Kako ona tvrdi, osvjetljenje izravna kvržice i izbočine na tijelu bez upotrebe Photoshopa ili filtera. 

Danae je objavila dvije fotografije u kojima pozira u kupaćem kostimu. Na prvoj fotografiji ona se 'namjerno okrenula' pa su njene 'kvržice' i celulit po tijelu bile skrivene, a njeno tijelo je izgledalo mekano.


Insta vs reality — or LETS talk LIGHTING. Because that’s the main difference in these photos. In one, my bum is deliberately angled into the shadows. The softer light hides my cellulite and smooths most of my stretchmarks. It’s flattering. In the other, I’m just casually squatting (lol) beside the mirror. My hips and thighs are in the sunlight. Lumps and bumps are on show. There are a few posing differences (core tight, hips popped back, squeeeezzzinnnggg), but mostly this pic is about LIGHT working its magic. When I worked in magazines, we shot at sunrise or sunset. On most sets, there were people holding SUN DIFFUSERS and REFLECTORS to help create the perfect FLATTERING balance of shadow and light. The same thing happens on SOCIAL MEDIA, just in a different form. Most insta-models know EXACTLY how to POSE and work their angles. And they know LIGHTING too. Like how SIDE LIGHT, diffused from a window, is the most flattering for abs but usually pretty harsh on the face. It’s why you’ll often see a phone covering the face. Or how SHADOWS can gently eliminate certain LUMPS and BUMPS. All that is fine with me, honestly. It’s art and photography, and there is no shame in wanting to look FIERCE. But I also want to remind you about how SO MUCH on here is FILTERED. POSED. PERFECTED. And how you shouldn’t EVER COMPARE YOURSELF to a STRANGER on the internet. Because cowgirl, you’re just seeing their snapshots taken in PERFECT LIGHT. Your reality is a whole lot more varied, diverse, and human than that. It’s more perfectly imperfect. Real. Raw. And that’s a wonderful thing indeed. You got this. x #instavsreality #womenirl #womenshealth #popsugarfitness #instagramvsreality #posingtips #cellulite #strengthmarks

Objavu dijeli Danae Mercer (@danaemercer)

Na drugoj slici Danae je ležerno čučnula pored ogledala i objasnila: 'Moji bokovi i bedra su sada na suncu. Izložen mi je celulit i strije.'

Danae, koja se može pohvaliti s više od 750 tisuća pratitelja, u podužem je tekstu objasnila da je uglavnom laskava rasvjeta skrivala njezin celulit i strije.


Girl, stop trying to make everyone happy - you’re not guacamole. A popular body positive influencer was shamed recently for wanting to lose weight. Another has been shamed for gaining it. And both openly, authentically stood by their decisions. It got me thinking: what would WE DO different if we were less afraid of BEING different. Not just with our health, our wellness goals, but with our hopes, our dreams, our LIVES? It’s easy to want to MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY. To fit in. To softly and gently bend and fold with whatever voices shout the loudest or sting the sharpest. Whether that’s a parent or a loved one or a stranger on a screen. Only in trying to PLEASE EVERYONE, we become no one. We fade. We lose ourselves. Trust me, I’ve been there. So here’s the lesson I’ve learned the hard way, and am still constantly, endlessly relearning: We will NEVER make everyone happy. We won’t. It’s impossible. Humans are complex. Our opinions are vast and varied and strong. And that’s ok. That’s WONDERFUL. What matters is that we each EXPLORE what sits INSIDE US. That we remain open to growth. To development. To being called in and learning. And that we honour, we ALWAYS honour, the truth which curls quietly inside of us. Whether it’s about how the goals we set FOR OUR BODIES or the plans we have FOR OUR LIVES. Even if it makes us different. Even when it shows how we all truly ARE different. I know it’s scary, but we can do this. You can do this. Be yourself, babygirl. No guacamole required. Influencers mentioned: @learningtobefearless @stephanie_buttermore #selflove #feminist #inspoquote #selfacceptance #normalizenormalbodies

Objavu dijeli Danae Mercer (@danaemercer)

Napisala je: 'Instagram protiv stvarnosti. Svjetlo je glavna razlika na ovim fotografijama.'

Otkrila je i da postoje razlike u načinu na koji drži svoje tijelo, kako bi se stvorio još laskaviji kut, što je naučila godinama radeći za jedan časopis.

'Kad sam radila u časopisima, snimali smo pri izlasku ili zalasku sunca. Na većini setova bilo je ljudi koji drže sunčane difuzije i reflektore koji su pomogli stvoriti savršenu ravnotežu sjene i svjetla. Ista se stvar događa na DRUŠTVENIM MEDIJIMA, samo u drugačijem obliku. Većina Insta-modela točno zna gdje im je najbolje svjetlo i koji im je najbolji kut.'


CELLULITE is so darn COMMON. So WEAR that swimsuit. Rock that bikini. Get out there and roll with the full wonder of all that you are. And don’t let any little lumpbumps make you second guess for a single minute. Over 80 percent of women have cellulite. That’s a HUGE number - and yet we are told it’s bad and wrong and subtly, so subtly, taught that it is shameful. Some of us learn these lessons as little girls. Yesterday I shared a YouTube video that wants to teach exactly that. It featured a slight child deciding she was TOO BIG, so she exercised and weighed herself and ate carrots and weighed herself and climbed stairs and weighed herself. Some of us learn these lessons as adults, when brands try to SELL TO US and make money from SHAME. From creating flaws that don’t exist, or from turning incredibly common bits of bodies into things that must be fixed. Wherever you learned these lessons, know that they are wrong. Your cellulite is NOT an error. A glitch in perfection. It’s incredible. Unique. A stamp mark of who you are. A sign that your body is functioning and alive and doing the same thing as over 80% of other women. So today, babygirl, get out there and rock your cellulite. Celebrate your dips and rolls. Embrace your curves or your straights. And most of all, do whatever makes you SMILE. Because you are a GLORIOUS CELEBRATION. A song of limbs and heart and soul. Don’t you forget it. Bikini @heiress_swimwear #selflove #bodyacceptance #normalizenormalbodies #cellulite #strengthmarks

Objavu dijeli Danae Mercer (@danaemercer)

'To je umjetnost i fotografija i nema sramote kad želite izgledati savršeno.'

Stotine njezinih pratitelja brzo je prokomentiralo objavu, zahvalivši joj na iskrenosti. Njena fotografija dobila je preko 380 tisuća lajkova. 

Neki od komentara bili su: 'Sviđa mi se, osim što smatram da fotografija s lijeve strane nije 'lažna'. To ste također vi. Obje fotografije ste  vi, i oboje ih trebate voljeti i zagrliti!', 'Volim te. Tako si realna i odlična',  'Hvala vam što dijelite ovo! Mislim da je dobro da i dečki ovo vide, jer će previše dječaka odrastati na slikama s lijeve strane i nikad ne vide žene u prirodnom kretanju, prirodnim kutovima itd.'


Let’s normalize this. Let’s share the parts of us that are strong and fierce and posed, and the parts of us that are softer, raw, human. A woman messaged me today saying she bought her very first bikini. She always thought she was too wiggly, too ‘imperfect’, to own one. But today she realized otherwise. That gal went shopping. Every week, women talk to me about shorts. About cellulite on their legs. About dimples in their thighs. And about how, how they CANNOT, cannot wear them. They cannot wear shorts. Only this is changing. THEY are changing. WE are changing. Day by day, second by second, we are switching what’s normal. We are sliding into those shorts, buying those bikinis, speaking our MINDS and our truths, flaunting our brains, being all the wonderful, complex bits that combine together to make WOMEN and WOMAN. This is just one instance, a glimpse. A little photo to remind you of a very, very big thing: You are not DESIGNED to be perfect. Your power lies in all that’s COMPLEX, all that’s NUANCED, all that’s MAGNIFICENT and, yes, all that’s gloriously NORMAL. Like bum dimples. Like insecurities. Like confusions and hopes and great photos and bad moments and laughter and ALL. We’re in this together. Even if it’s just one ‘Instagram and also Instagram’ pic at a time. x #selflove #bodyacceptance #bodyconfidence

Objavu dijeli Danae Mercer (@danaemercer)

Igre na sreću mogu izazvati ovisnost. 18+.
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Komentari 37

'Ja sam prosječna, a muž mi je prezgodan. Svi me pitaju kako imam samopouzdanja uz njega'

'Ja sam prosječna, a muž mi je prezgodan. Svi me pitaju kako imam samopouzdanja uz njega'

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Sprej WD-40 većina ima, ali ne zna što znači njegova kratica: Iznenadit ćete se odgovorom

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Treći odjeljak ladice u perilici je jako koristan: Ovo mu je svrha

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