

Komentari 33

'On je uvijek bio uz mene': Par je smršavio ukupno 157 kila

Par iz Indiane nije imao osobnog trenera, nije išao an operacije, nije imao plan prehrane. No imao je volju. Gotovo svaki dan su išli u teretanu, promijenili su prehranu i postigli odlične rezultate


Lexi Reed (26) iz Indiane je prije dvije godine bila teška 218 kilograma, a njezin suprug Danny je imao 126 kilograma. Par se vjenčao u listopadu 2015. godine i zajedno su počeli gubiti kilograme u siječnju 2016. godine. Lexi danas ima 81 kilogram, a Danny 95. Lexi koja je u 18 mjeseci izgubila 136 kilograma, kaže da je na Novu godinu 2016. odlučila da će jednom zauvijek smršavjeti. 


#transformationtuesday -392👇 since @dannyreed5 & I set a New Years Resolution together 1/1/16. We didnt have a meal plan, surgery, personal trainer, but what we did have was each other & the motivation within to work hard every single day. We wanted to be parents in the future and live a longer life together. We had no idea that in just over a year 6 months we would be a completely different couple. We may have lost the weight but we have grown closer together. Pound by pound, step by step, day by day - we have transformed our lives and molded our bodies into the people we've always wanted to be. This man has been by my side for the last 10 years and treated me no different at 485lbs than he does at 182lbs. We all deserve to live a life we are in love with and have people around that make it worth living. We hope others will hear our story & decide not to give up! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dietbet just started but you can join for 14 days after! Time to get back on track! Thanksgiving is over - dont let Thanksgiving stop your goals! Fedup & ready to change? Time to finish 2017 strong! Time to reset after thanksgiving, win money for christmas & rock those outfits when you see all your family! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including fedup tees, lulagems.com $100 wardrobe, @proteinmilkshake protein, & get paid! Link in bio or dietbet.com/fatgirlfedup #goals #motivation #fit #fitfam #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation #fattofit #fitcouple #dietbet #diet #selflove #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #fitspo #countingcalories #motivation #fitness #gym #anytimefitness #fitspo #losingweight #weightlosstransformation #transform #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #diet #thickfit #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss #anytimefitness

A post shared by Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) on


#swolematesaturday -392lbs 👇 since we set a New Years Resolution 1/1/16. From getting rejected due to my size on a rollercoaster when we first started dating to finally being able to visit Universal Studios and live a new adventerous life together. Every single step of the way @dannyreed5 has supported me and loved me no matter what size. Losing weight can either make or break a relationship and for us our journey brought us closer together. This journey started because we wanted to be parents one day and turned into so much more. Not only is that goal possible now but so is a life growing old together. Surround yourself with those who push you to be better and support your goals no matter how big or small. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAST DIETBET OF 2017 STARTS IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS! Fedup & ready to change? Time to finish 2017 strong! Time to reset after thanksgiving, win money for christmas & rock those outfits when you see all your family! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including fedup tees, & get paid! Link in bio or dietbet.com/fatgirlfedup #goals #motivation #fit #fitfam #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation #fattofit #swolemate #fitcouple #dietbet #diet #selflove #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #fitspo #countingcalories #motivation #fitness #gym #anytimefitness #fitspo #losingweight #weightlosstransformation #transform #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #diet #thickfit #gym #transformationtuesday #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss #anytimefitness

A post shared by Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) on

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Komentari 33

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Pljušte reakcije na Ustavni sud. Oglasili se Bartulica, Grbin...

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