Zastrašujuća snimka prikazuje trenutak u kojem je tinejdžer pokušao gurnuti svoju djevojku pod jureći vlak. Šokantan incident je snimljen nadzornom kamerom u Australiji
Strava na peronu: Mladić svoju djevojku htio baciti pod vlak!
Lucas Gary Narkle (19) je vukao svoju 14-godišnju djevojku prema nadolazećem vlaku na željezničkoj stanici u sjevernom dijelu australskog Adelaidea u listopadu prošle godine. Djevojka se očajnički opirala i pokušavala ne skončati na tako brutalan način.
VIDEO: Horrifying footage emerges of teenage boy 'trying to throw his girlfriend in front of a train'. Horrifying footage has emerged of the moment a teenage boy tried to throw his girlfriend in front of a moving train. The shocking incident was caught on CCTV camera at Elizabeth South station in Adelaide's north in October last year. Lucas Gary Narkle, 19, dragged his girlfriend, aged 14 at the time, towards the oncoming train as she struggled desperately to avoid being hurled onto the tracks. Narkle faced the South Australian District Court on Wednesday, after earlier pleading guilty to endangering the girl's life. The court heard Narkle's girlfriend was 'holding on for dear life' as she was being dragged by him. 'She wasn't to know that he was going to stop,' a prosecutor said of the offending. ugs 'There's no telling what harm that fear may cause in the future.' Narkle - who was initially charged with attempted murder - was armed with a baseball bat, but both sides agreed it was not used. He was taken into custody following the incident and spent more than three months in prison until he was granted bail by the Supreme Court. Like comment tag @BlogwithJane Credit:dailymail
Objavljuje BlogwithJane u Četvrtak, 16. kolovoza 2018.
U trenutku napada je sa sobom imao i baseball palicu no nije ju upotrijebio.
Muškarac je prijavljen policiji i priveden. U pritvoru je proveo više od tri mjeseca. U veljači je pušten da se brani sa slobode. Priznao je da je ugrozio život djevojke.
Sudac je rekao kako nema više potrebe da nasilnik i dalje bude u zatvoru jer djevojci nije nanio nikakve tjelesne ozljede. Smatra kako mu se umjesto zatvora treba odrediti društveno koristan rad.