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Body of missing woman found in freezer in her sister's house

Body of missing woman found in freezer in her sister's house

23-year old woman went missing in 2000., but her disappearance wasn't reported until 2005. Now her body has been found in her sister's freezer under the stairs of the house two of them shared in northern Croatia

Missing for 19 years, Jasmina Dominić (23) was greatly missed by her family, especially her father Martin who did not stop looking for her until his death in 2013. 


Jasmina was found last Saturday. Her body has been crammed into a freezer under the stairs in her sister's house in a fetal position, she was wrapped in cellophane, blood still frozen on her head and hair. Packets of pork meat were stacked over her dead body. For almost 20 years, freezer under the stairs in the village of Palovec in Croatia's northern region of Međimurje kept a dark and chilling secret until it was uncovered by accident.  

Jasmina disappeared in year 2000., but her mother reported it to the local police five years later. After discovery of the body her sister Smiljana Srnec (45) was taken into custody under suspicion of a murder. She will spend a month behind bars while police investigates what really happened. 

At the time of Jasmina's disappearance, sisters were sharing the house in which she was found. Jasmina has been killed by two blows to the head. After the autopsy her body was finally left to rest on the local cemetery next to her father. 

Until his death, Martin Dominić was hoping his daughter would return home. He thought she might have eloped with a truck driver, and spent his days in local bars, drowning his sorrow. For years Smiljana told her family she is in contact with her sister, who, she said, left to France for work. But, after not hearing from her daughter herself, their mother, Katarina, who is expat in Germany, reported Jasmina missing.

Grisly murder and cover up that sends chills down your spine shocked Croatian public. How was this dark and morbid secret kept for years? How could five to six people living in the house not know about the body in the freezer? Why didn't police search the house when her disappearance was reported? Nation is hoping police investigation will answer those questions. 



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