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Monster jailed for 40 years for impregnating his daughter...

Monster jailed for 40 years for impregnating his daughter...

Maximum sentence: Neighbors often called the police because of the noises from their apartment, and police failed multiple complaints for public disturbance and family abuse

The man from Zadar county, who was accused of abusing his family for years, was sentenced to 40 years in prison. He was accused of raping his oldest daughter repeatedly. She had two abortions and gave birth to one child.

One of his daughters reported him to police, so he ended up in custody in July of last year. She confided her boyfriend about her father's terrifying behavior and he pledged her to go to the police.

District attorney's office declared the whole investigation a secret. A man was suspected for five criminal offenses. For the severe offense of sexual abuse and exploitation of a child for which a sentence of at least five years of imprisonment has been imposed; for a serious criminal offense against sexual freedom and for a serious criminal offense against sexual freedom towards a close person in a humiliating manner, for which sentences of one to ten years are foreseen; for domestic violence, for which the sentence is up to three years; and for the violation of the child's rights, for which a sentence of six months to five years is prescribed.

Zadar's “Fritzl case” has been going on for years in large residential community. Neighbors often called the police because of the loud noises coming from the apartment, and police filed multiple complaints for public disturbance and family abuse, published Zadarski list.

Igre na sreću mogu izazvati ovisnost. 18+.
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