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His penis is a celebrity now and he's gonna name it 'Hardy'

His penis is a celebrity now and he's gonna name it 'Hardy'

Croatian fashion stylist still suffers from priapism and could set the new Guinness World Record. For now, his penis has been erected for 34 days...

After he was left with a permanent erection after going under the knife for  a nose job in Iran, Neven Ciganović (45) is recovering in Belgrade. In September he was admitted to the hospital after anesthesia caused him priapism, a painful erection that has nothing to do with sexual excitement.
- My penis is still hard. I'm trying to break the Guinness record because I have an erection for 34 days – says the fashion stylist. He adds that he  cannot control his condition, and that the process of healing takes time.
Although he had some tough time in hospital due to his condition, he still keeps the smile on his face.
- My penis has become a celebrity and it's all over the media, so I'm gonna name him Hardy – said stylist from Zagreb. Men with erectile dysfunction are still not calling him for advice, but people are constantly asking him on plastic surgery.
He admits, he has done seven of them – for now. British Channel 4 became interested in Neven and they are filming a documentary about him. Also, the story about his erection, which was originally published by 24sata, was printed in the Daily Mail.

Igre na sreću mogu izazvati ovisnost. 18+.
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