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Young Croat: I suffered from a life-consuming pot addiction

Young Croat: I suffered from a life-consuming pot addiction

A college student and a future construction engineer claimes he almost gambled all his life's possibilities to the popular drug - marihuana. He told a story about his addiction and his sudden, but long overdue awakening


Young man, Marin, started smoking marihuana about the time he was finishing high scool. He didn't have any special reason to subject to drug abuse, but he wanted to have fun with his friends. Soon the school ended and he was at college, but so was the drug addiction he then didn't realize he had.

VIDEO: Marin talks about the vicious circle of his drug abuse years

Marin doesn't know how it actually happened, but he had a very ugly awakening. He realized he was left with almost nothing. He distanced himself from his family and the only friends he hung out with had the same goal as himself - to get more and more weed.

In order to always get more and more drugs, he almost started dealing the drug himself. Luckily, those were his rock bottom days, soon after which he stopped consuming marihuana forever.

Although many scientists and patients are sure of the health benefits of marihuana, Marin is certain it is not a cure.

-Dude, it ain't a cure - it's just drugs.

Igre na sreću mogu izazvati ovisnost. 18+.
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Komentari 5

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