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Fitness blogerica uklonila filere i botoks vrijedne 46.000 kuna

Fitness blogerica uklonila filere i botoks vrijedne 46.000 kuna

Shvatila sam da beauty industrija i industrija dijeta nisu različite. Obje zarađuju na nesigurnostima žena, a ja im odbijam dati svoj novac, rekla je fitness blogerica Madalin Giorgetta...

Poznata je po stražnjici na kojoj joj mnoge žene zavide, a sada je odlučila riješiti se filera i botoksa koje je platila 7000 dolara, što je oko 46 tisuća kuna. Riječ je o fitness blogerici Madalin Giorgetti koja tvrdi da je na detoks dijetama od početka 2019.

Ova Australka uklonila je s društvenih mreža sve fotografije fizičke transformacije te je prestala brojati kalorije i pretjerano vježbati svakog dana. Kako kaže, sad je došlo vrijeme za rješavanje botoksa i filera.

- Bila sam jako nesigurna oko svog lica i pokušala sam te nesigurnosti riješiti botoksom i filerima. Bit ću iskrena, jako mi se sviđa kako moje lice izgleda s njima i zbilja se bojim kako će mi lice izgledati za šest mjeseci. No, odlučila sam zauvijek ostaviti se igle - napisala je na Instagramu.

Ističe kako joj je lakše bilo odustati od dijeta nego prestati posjećivati estetske kirurge.

- Dugo sam se osjećala kao da trebam izgledati ovako zbog društvenih mreža te da ne želim izgledati staro kad napunim 30 godina. Shvatila sam da beauty industrija i industrija dijeta nisu različite. Obje zarađuju na nesigurnostima žena, a ja im odbijam dati svoj novac - rekla je.


Why these photos need to stop ✋🏼 Firstly, that’s your skin not fat ok 😅 I used to post loads of these when I first started my Instagram. My intention was for them to make other women feel better about their bodies, as I was being vulnerable, sharing my insecurities and letting you know, hey! I’m just like you, I have body insecurities too #bodypositivity ❤️ The impact often had the opposite affect. Since then I’ve learnt that these images impact people in a mostly negative way. Remind yourself, IMPACT OVER INTENTION. If you’re intending to make your audience feel better and the actual real life impact is that they feel like shit about their bodies, then it doesn’t matter what you intended. I know some people will disagree with me. Thin girls have body issues too. Just because you’re thin, doesn’t mean you love your body. And sure, I think every woman has negative thoughts about their body at least once a week. But what I’ve realised, is that me talking about my squinty eyes or short legs or stomach rolls, just makes other women (mostly) feel worse about their bodies. There is that mentality that if she’s complaining about her body, then what must she think of mine 🤔Geez, mine must be terrible if she’s upset about hers 😪 I think we forget the range of people that can read and see our IG pages. I would never complain to my plus sized friend about my body woes, but a friend of the same weight sure, I can yabber on to her coz she gets it. But it just makes my other friend feel even worse. As a thin, able bodied, white woman I will never experience the pains and the stigma that other women do. I will never not find my size in a shopping centre. No one will ever stare at me when I eat a donut. My doctor will never suggest that my headaches are because I’m overweight. I will never struggle to get a job due to my size. Let’s practice being open in 2019 to hearing about other women’s experiences instead of telling other women how they should feel. Listen more, talk less and educate yourself 🌟

A post shared by Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) on

Otkrila je da je dosad uštrcavala botoks u obrve, čelo, bradu i oko očiju, kako bi se riješila bora. Filere je imala u ustima, ispod očiju, u obrazima te u čeljusti.

Botoks: Plastične i fantastične prije tridesete godine života
Botoks: Plastične i fantastične prije tridesete godine života

- Nisam isprva imala lice koje danas vidite na Instagramu i bila sam nesigurna oko svog izgleda. Bombardiraju nas fotografijama zbog kojih se osjećamo kao da nismo dovoljne. Nismo dovoljno lijepe, nismo dovoljno mršave. Oči su nam premale, nosevi preveliki, struk preširok, obrve pretanke, koža pretamna, koža presvijetla, zubi prežuti, grudi premale, kosa presuha, usta pretanka, guzice preravne... Dosta mi je toga da se tako osjećam - zaključila je.


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