U uskoj plavoj haljini Blake pokazala trudnički trbušćić | 24sata


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U uskoj plavoj haljini Blake pokazala trudnički trbušćić

U uskoj plavoj haljini Blake pokazala trudnički trbušćić

Glumica Blake Lively pokazuje kako nova trudnička odjeća treba izgledati birajući uske haljine ali laganih materijala koje lijepo ističu njezin rastući trbuščić


Blake Lively definitivno ima "wow" faktor. Još je jednu večer na filmskom festivalu u Cannesu zasjala u prekrasnoj plavoj haljini Ateliera Versace, rađenoj po mjeri za nju. Lagani materijal lijepo pristaje uz njezin rastući trbuščić, a njima je dodala i prekrasne srebrne sandale. 

Pogledajte što su nosile i ostale zvijezde sinoć u Cannesu.

Actress Blake Lively arrives for the screening of the film "The BFG" (Le Bon Gros Geant) out of competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes
Cast member Rebecca Hall poses on the red carpet as she arrives for the screening of the film "The BFG" (Le Bon Gros Geant) out of competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes Actress Blake Lively arrives for the screening of the film "The BFG" (Le Bon Gros Geant) out of competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes
Actress Blake Lively arrives for the screening of the film "The BFG" (Le Bon Gros Geant) out of competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes Actress Blake Lively arrives for the screening of the film "The BFG" (Le Bon Gros Geant) out of competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes Actress Blake Lively arrives for the screening of the film "The BFG" (Le Bon Gros Geant) out of competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Glumica Berenice Bejo

Actress Berenice Bejo and director Michel Hazanavicius arrive for the screening of the film "The BFG" (Le Bon Gros Geant) out of competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Paz Vega izabrala je dugu crnu haljinu Stephanea Rollandea s prozirnim detaljima i dubokim dekolteom .

Actress Paz Vega poses on red carpet as she arrives for the screening of the film "The BFG" (Le Bon Gros Geant) out of competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Aishwarya Rai - bivša Miss svijeta i bolivudska glumica uvijek je bezvremenski lijepa. Nosila je predivnu haljinu boje kože dizajnera Elie Saaba.

Actress Aishwarya Rai  poses on red carpet as she arrives for the screening of the film  "The BFG" (Le Bon Gros Geant) out of competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Malika Sherawat u srebrnoj haljini princeza kroja, koji zvijezde sve češće biraju.

Actress Malika Sherawat arrives for the screening of the film  "The BFG" (Le Bon Gros Geant) out of competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes

Rebecca Hall stigla je sinoć u Diorovoj cvjetnoj haljini. 

Cast member Rebecca Hall arrives for the screening of the film "The BFG" (Le Bon Gros Geant) out of competition at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes
Igre na sreću mogu izazvati ovisnost. 18+.
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Komentari 6


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