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Presedan: U kraljevskoj obitelji se sprema prvo gay vjenčanje

Presedan: U kraljevskoj obitelji se sprema prvo gay vjenčanje

Lord Ivar Mountbatten će se vjenčati s dugogodišnjim partnerom Jamesom Coyleom, a do budućeg će ga supruga odvest - bivša supruga Penny, s kojom ima tri kćeri...

Nakon 'vjenčanja godine', onog princa Harryja (33) i Meghan Markle (36), za svoj dan iz snova 12. listopada priprema se i princeza Eugenie (28) koja će se udati za biznismena i nekadašnjeg vlasnika klubova Jacka Brooksbanka. No javnosti je svakako zanimljiviji jedan član kraljevske obitelji koji će pred oltar nešto prije njih - kraljičin rođak, lord Ivar Mountbatten (55), sin Marquessa od Milford Havena trećeg.


This summer, Lord Ivar Mountbatten, a cousin of Queen Elizabeth, will marry his partner James Coyle at what will become the first same-sex wedding of a member of the British royal family. Ivar, a great-great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria, came out in 2016, becoming the first member of the family to do so, and revealed he was in a relationship with James. Ivar was previously married to a woman, Penny, and shares three daughters with her. He told her before their engagement that he is bisexual. Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex and the Queen’s late sister Princess Margaret had attended Ivar and Penny's wedding. Penny told The Daily Mail in comments posted on Friday that she will give her ex-husband away at his wedding to James. "It was the girls' idea," she said. "It makes me feel quite emotional. I'm really very touched." "Sophie and Edward know of our plans and are really excited for us," Ivar told the newspaper, referring to his longtime friend and the Queen's youngest son, Prince Edward, and his wife. "Sadly they can't come to the wedding. Their diaries are arranged months in advance and they're not around, but they adore James. Everyone adores him." James told the newspaper that the wedding ceremony will be small, with just close family and friends attending, while about 120 more people will join them for a reception. "For me, what's interesting is I don't need to get married because I've been there, done that and have my wonderful children; but I'm pushing it because I think it's important for him. James hasn't had the stable life I have," Ivar said, turning to his partner. "I want to be able to give you that." Source: E! news #loveisloveisloveislove #queenelizabeth #queenelizabethii #princephilip #princephillip #dukeofedinburgh #ivarmountbatten #princeedward #countessofwessex #princecharles #princewilliam #princeharry #katemiddleton #duchessofcambridge #meghanmarkle #duchessofsussex #princegeorge #princesscharlotte #princelouis #royalfamily #brf #britishroyalfamily #britishmonarchy #theroyalfamily

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Vjenčanje još jednog kraljičinog rođaka možda samo po sebi ne bi bilo vijest, da Lord Ivar Mountbatten ovim potezom neće ući u povijest - i to kao prvi član kraljevske obitelji koji će imati gay vjenčanje.


Queen’s cousin becomes first member of royal family to come out as gay. ** * A member of the Royal Family has become the first ever to come out as #gay. * #LordIvarMountbatten, who has three children with ex-wife Penelope (Penny) Thompson, came out over the weekend saying he had struggled with his sexuality. * But now, he said he was happy to now be in a partnership with #JamesCoyle, an airline cabin services director. * The couple met while skiing in Verbier, #Switzerland. * James shouted hello to Lord Mountbatten, who is something like 700th in line to the throne, thinking he was a guide he’d been skiing with earlier. There was a mutual attraction and it all snowballed from there. * ‘Penny was aware before we got married,’ he told the Mail on Sunday. ‘I told her I was bisexual, that my attraction went both ways. She was understanding and I will always be grateful to her. * ‘”Coming out” is such a funny phrase but it’s what I suppose I did in a rather roundabout way, emerging to a place I’m happy to be. I have struggled with my sexuality and in some ways I still do; it has been a real journey to reach this point.’ * He added: ‘Being a Mountbatten was never the problem. It was the generation into which I was born. When I was growing up, it was known as “the love that dare not speak its name”, but what’s amazing now is how far we have all come in terms of acceptance.’ * #phcity #phcitytraffic #portharcourt #lagos #abuja #africa #blogger #wesafrica #africa #riversstate #nigeria #regrann

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Ivar će se vjenčati s dugogodišnjim partnerom Jamesom Coyleom, a do budućeg će ga supruga odvest - njegova bivša supruga Penny, s kojom ima tri kćeri.

Ovaj je slučaj inače presedan u kraljevskoj obitelji, a zbog velikog zanimanja britanske javnosti lord Ivar Mountbatten je uoči velikog dana pristao dati intervju za britanski Daily Mail, za koji je rekao:

Meghanin otac Harryju: Da nisi nikada digao ruku na moju kćer
Meghanin otac Harryju: Da nisi nikada digao ruku na moju kćer

- Zaista sam ovo želio napraviti, osobito zbog Jamesa koji još nije bio u braku. Za mene brak nije toliko bitan jer sam već bio u jednom, u kojem sam dobio svoju prekrasnu djecu, no inzistiram na ovome jer mislim da je njemu itekako važno. James nije imao stabilan život poput mene, stoga mu želim to priuštiti. - rekao je lord Ivar o zaručniku. 

Popljuvali Meghaninu haljinu od 35.000 kn: Odjenula zavjese
Popljuvali Meghaninu haljinu od 35.000 kn: Odjenula zavjese

- Kad sam svojoj najstarijoj kćerki Elli spomenuo vjenčanje, ona mi je utješno rekla da ne brinem jer to više 'nije tako skandalozno', prepričao je lord kćerkine riječi i dodao da će ceremoniji prisustvovati tek najbliža obitelj i prijatelji. 

Meghan umirala od smijeha na prvom putovanju s kraljicom
Meghan umirala od smijeha na prvom putovanju s kraljicom

Mountbatten se inače za britanski DailyMail prisjetio i prvog braka s bivšom suprugom Penny, prije 24 godine. Za taj dan tvrdi da mu je bio 'najljepši dan u životu', ali i da će bivšu ženu i majku svojih kćeri voljeti do kraja života. 

VIDI OVO: 7 stvari koje svaka cura želi u krevetu

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Komentari 20
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