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Dobre stvari koje su se 2019. godine dogodile, a da ne znate

Dobre stvari koje su se 2019. godine dogodile, a da ne znate

Jeste li znali da je na obalama jezera Malawi, na vlast je došla žena? Proglasila je brak između djece ilegalnim. Populacija morskih kornjača je u porastu, a još neke vrste možda neće izumrijeti

U moru loših vijesti, otvoren je Instagram koji prenosi najbolje vijesti iz svijeta. One često nisu niti prenesene u medijima, a možete ih pronaći OVDJE.


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Donosimo deset vijesti s profila The Happy Broadcast.

1. Oplođeno je sedam jaja od dva posljednja sjeverna bijela nosoroga na planeti. Ovo bi moglo spasiti vrstu koja izumire!

2. Na obalama jezera Malawi, na vlast je došla žena. Poništila je 1500 brakova između djece, proglasila takav čin ilegalnim i poslala djevojčice u škole.

3. U Švedskoj je pokrenuta fenomenalna inicijativa! Donori krvi počeli su dobivati poruke kada njihova krv spasi život

4. Čovjek iz Indije posadio je jedno drvo svaki dan 35 godina i napravio šumu veću od Central Parka

5. Morske kornjače se 'vraćaju'. Naime, populacija je porasla za 980%, zahvaljujući Zakonu o ugroženim vrstama

6. Supermarketi u Tajlandu rekli su 'ne' plastici pa namirnice zamataju u lišće banane

7. Tim kemičara razvio je tehniku kojom četvrtinu plastike pretvaraju u gorivo


[ Swipe → for 🇫🇷 🇵🇹 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 ] The world is drowning in plastic. Each year, over 300 million tons of plastic finds its way to a landfill or into the environment where it will take hundreds of years to decompose. Every year that nothing is done, millions of tons of plastic flow into the oceans, where they are swallowed by wildlife and kill coral reefs. A team of chemists at Purdue may have found a partial solution to our plastic woes. As detailed in a paper published this week in Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, the chemists discovered a way to convert polypropylene—a type of plastic commonly used in toys, medical devices, and product packaging like potato chip bags—into gasoline and diesel-like fuel. The researchers said that this fuel is pure enough to be used as blendstock, a main component of fuel used in motorized vehicles. The obvious benefit of this new conversion process is cleaning up the environment by finding a use for plastic waste. But as Purdue chemist Linda Wang pointed out in a statement, the fact that the produced fuel can be sold for a profit will also encourage the recycling industry to rapidly adopt it. Source: Motherboard (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #happy #motivation #art #friends #repost #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #illustration #goodmorning #positivenews #life #world #progress #plastic #fuel #recycle #chemistry #recycling

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8. Svijet je doslovno zelenije mjesto, više nego što je to bilo prije 20 godina, pokazali su sateliti NASA-e


NASA has some good news after getting detailed pictures of Earth's global vegetation through time. The world is a greener place today than it was 20 years ago. What prompted the change? Well, it appears China and India can take the majority of the credit. In contrast to the perception of China and India's willingness to overexploit land, water and resources for economic gain, the countries are responsible for the largest greening of the planet in the past two decades. The two most populous countries have implemented ambitious tree planting programs and scaled up their implementation and technology around agriculture. India continues to break world records in tree planting, with 800,000 Indians planting 50 million trees in just 24 hours. Europe and Canada sit at number 3 and 4 thanks to a remarkable increase in vegetation. It is encouraging to see swift and rapid change in governance and land use when presented with a dilemma. It is something that will continue to be a necessary skill in the decades to come. Source: Forbes (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #love #instagood #photooftheday #beautiful #happy #motivation #art #friends #repost #fun #style #illustration #inspiration #goodnews #art #artist #illustration #goodmorning #positivenews #life #world #progress #planetearth #india #china #nasa #planetearth #earth #forest #green

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9. Sada možemo 3-D printerom raditi 'kosti'. Bioprinteri su uzbudljivi i mogli bi imati velik utjecaj na medicinsku industriju

10. Jednostavan test sline može zamijeniti krvne pretrage koje ukazuju na mogućnost srčanog ili moždanog udara


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zenzacija 10 09:49
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Komentari 17
Evo kako rade dućani u nedjelju

Evo kako rade dućani u nedjelju

Trgovine smiju raditi 16 nedjelja u godini, a trgovine i šoping centri sami biraju koje će to nedjelje biti. Radno vrijeme trgovina i trgovačkih centara nedjeljom pogledajte u našem detaljnom vodiču
Veliki tjedni horoskop: Bik će podmiriti dug, Vage biti jako društvene, a Lav sve šarmirati
od 15. do 21. prosinca

Veliki tjedni horoskop: Bik će podmiriti dug, Vage biti jako društvene, a Lav sve šarmirati

Slobodnim Djevicama će stara ljubav ponovno postati aktualna, no sada nastavljate na zdravijim temeljima. Neke bi novu simpatiju mogle steći i na radnom mjestu